Patrick D. Holiman, L. Ac.
- Licensed Acupuncturist
- California and Arkansas Licensed Acupuncturist
- Certified by Pierre Pannetier to teach Polarity Therapy
- Diploma from the Academy of Chinese Acupuncture in Sri Lanka
- B.S. and Doctor's degrees in Oriental Medicine from South Baylor University in Anaheim, California
- Masters Degree in Philosophy from the University of Arkansas
- He has practiced, studied and taught yoga in Japan, India and the U.S. since 1970.
California office in 1994
Fayetteville office in 2013
Kiss the Sky Herbs
Acu-Polarity herbal practice is drawn from ancient and modern Chinese, Ayurvedic (Indian) and Western individual and formulated herbs. Herbs can enhance the energy and blood flow and improve general physiological functioning of organ systems. Herbs present a reasonable alternative for assisting to restore health in many dis-eases.