Distributed over the energy meridians and affecting the related organ systems are the acu points. Each of the acu points has a certain quality and influences the energy meridian in a particular way.
Each of the organ systems and regular energy meridians (channels) relate to one of the five elements. And each channel has 5 elemental points on it. Understanding element relationships one can determine what will happen if, for example, an earth point is tonified on an earth channel; or a wood point is tonified on a earth channel, and so on.
Every channel has a point where chi is at its greatest strength. This is called a Yuan Source point. Stimulation of this point will tonify the pertaining channel.
Lou connecting points are used to restore balance in a yin/yang system of the same element. They are the points which connect a yin channel to a yang channel.
Every channel has a point where the energy is deeply collected. Manipulation of this point will sedate the energy of the channel; this is useful in acute conditions. These are called Xi-Cleft points.
On the front, every organ has a point that relates to that organ system, called Front-Mu points. Soreness at one of these points indicates a problem with the pertaining organ. Since the front of the body is yin, the manipulation of these points increases the yin energy to that particular organ system.
On the back, every organ has a point that relates to the same organ system as on the front. Soreness at one of these points also indicates a problem with the pertaining organ. These are called Back Shu points. Since the back is yang, manipulation of these points will increase the yang energy to the pertaining organ system and tend to tonify it.
In 24 hours the energy travels through all the 12 channels. At certain times of the day for a two hour period the energy is more intensified in a particular organ pathway. For example, the energy is the most intense in the lung channel from 3-5 A.M, etc., etc.
Knowledge of certain points, gathered through many years of experience, lists six important distal points which relate to certain body areas.
- Large Intestine 4 | Face, front of head & neck
- Lung 7 | Back of head, neck, spine & lungs
- Pericardium 6 | Chest, upper abdomen
- Stomach 36 | Abdomen
- Urinary Bladder 40 | Low back & genito-urinary organs
- Spleen 6 | Perineum & pelvic organs
There are two points that act as analgesic points: LI4 and St44.
There are three sedative points: Du20, H7, UB62.
There are four Immune points: Du14, LI11, Sp10, Sp6.
Any point that is unusually tender or sore on pressure is considered an acu point, traditionally referred to as an ahhhhhhh shiiiiiiii points. These are especially useful for injury or joint soreness.
There are 8 influential points to treat specific tissue disorders:
- Respiratory system | Ren 17
- Bone, Cartilage | UB 11
- Blood | UB 17
- Vascular system | Lu 9
- Yang Organs | Ren 12
- Yin Organs | Liv 13
- Muscles, Tendons | GB 34
- Marrow | GB 39
In summary, to bring about balance in a dis-eased condition manipulate the following:
- Local points and distal points that relate to the affected area and adjacent points (points in the same area but on the other side of the body).
- Points that are sore, ah-shi points.
- Front mu and back shu points.
- Influential points.
- Yuan source points and luo connecting points.
- Xi-cleft points.
- Five element points.
- Points according to symptoms related to a particular organ system.
"Each of the acu points has a certain quality and influences the energy meridian in a particular way."